The marking will be done by experts from the University of Namibia (UNAM) and the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST). Round 1 and 2 will take place on the online platform which marks automatically. For round 3, learners will be required to write the test and it will be marked manually. Markers are briefed during and before the marking on the rules for marking.

Rules and procedures for the markers


Markers must be briefed before the marking process starts. The following should be done during the initial briefing:

• Regional Coordinators, UNAM and NUST ensure round 1 and 2 went smoothly;

• There should be a head marker to oversee the marking process;

• Answer scripts should be divided amongst all the markers;

• Each marker should go through the list of assigned answer sheets to check if there are any conflict of interests and must declare it for the answer sheet(s) to be reassigned;

• Each marker must understand and sign the form of conflict of interest;

• Each marker must understand and sign the form of confidentiality;

• It should be made clear to the marker that they must not add up the marks on the form because this will be done by the Quality Assurance Committee in the spirit of fairness; and

• All markers must initial the form provided with each script.


• The marking will be done by 2 markers and when they are done marking, communicate with each other to compare the marks given by each.

• If all the markers gave the same mark, then the given mark stands.

• However, if the mark given by the markers have a discrepancy, then they must resolve it between the two of them to come up with the final mark.

• If the markers fail to resolve the issue, then the head marker is informed for the final decision to be made.